
Estes também pensam que são liberais

Mais uma variante, neste caso estrangeira, de Lavourismo (com negritos meus):

The leader of the Liberal Democrats is to call for a "violent crimes" register and an end to the automatic release of prisoners halfway through sentences.
Sir Menzies Campbell will demand voting rights are denied to serious offenders, in contrast to his predecessor's view.


"Penalties should go beyond custody," he will say. "People like Ian Huntley should not have the vote.

"If you are guilty of a serious breach of the law, you forfeit the right to elect those who make the law."


"If they cannot be deported due to threats to their life, we need to introduce new measures to restrict their freedom of movement and association," he will say.

"Where a dangerous individual cannot be deported due to threats to their life, we should look at legislation to impose restrictions on their residence in the UK."

BBC News
Será que estes indivíduos não fazem mesmo ideia e não têm a minima noção das consequências óbvias daquilo que dizem e propõem, ou estão demasiado imersos na ânsia populista para sequer se preocuparem?

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