
Pelo financiamento privado dos partidos (7)

Quem quer contribuir com meios de pagamento virtuais para uma candidatura à presidência dos EUA tem que declarar o seguinte:

  1. This contribution is made on a personal credit or debit card for which I have the legal obligation to pay, and is made neither on a corporate or business entity card nor on the card of another.
  2. I am a United States citizen or a lawfully-admitted permanent resident. If a foreign national, I have permanent resident status and hold a green card.
  3. I am making this contribution (and paying this credit charge) with my own personal funds, and I am not using funds provided by any other person or from any corporation, labor union or national bank to make this contribution.
  4. I am not a federal government contractor. This donation is not from the personal or business funds of an individual or sole proprietor who is a federal contractor. (Personal contributions are allowed from employees, partners, shareholders and officers of businesses with government contracts)
  5. This contribution is not made from the funds of a political action committee. This contribution is not made from the funds of an individual registered as a federal lobbyist or a foreign agent, or an entity that is a federally registered lobbying firm or foreign agent.
  6. I am at least 18 years of age. If a minor (over the age of 16), I am voluntarily making this contribution, which consists of my own funds; my contribution is not controlled by another individual and is not made from a gift given to me to make this contribution.
A prestação de declarações falsas tem um peso diferente nos EUA do que em Portugal. Um outro tópico interessante com um impacto fortíssimo na regulação das relações e conflitos entre indivíduos.

1 comentário:

João Pereira da Silva disse...

"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."
- Douglas Adams
Pesos diferentes: mas os americanos também têm outros modos inventivos de financiar directamente os políticos. Os seus lobies são muito organizados e talvez mais activamente corruptores que os nossos.