
É triste, é muito triste.

Other members of the Republican establishment suggested that Paul was “blaming America” for the 9/11 attacks. That’s because they think that the federal government is America. In actuality, as our American ancestors understood, the federal government and the country are composed of two separate and distinct groups of people – those within the federal government and those within the private sector, a point reflected in the Bill of Rights, which expressly protects the country from the federal government.

Jacob G. Hornberger, no Lew Rockwell
Infelizmente, o segundo melhor país do mundo está tão cheio, tão cheio, mas tão cheio de estatistas e socialistas no poder, que estes já se auto-confundem com o próprio país.

2 comentários:

AA disse...

excelente citação...

JSC disse...

Os "ronpaulistas" encontram-se!
