
Educação e Estado Novo

The Happiest Days of our Lives (Waters)

When we grew up and went to school
There were certain teachers who would
Hurt the children in any way they could

"OOF!" [someone being hit]

By pouring their derision
Upon anything we did
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids
But in the town, it was well known
When they got home at night, their fat and
Psychopathic wives would thrash them
Within inches of their lives.

The Wall, Pink Floyd.

2 comentários:

linfoma_a-escrota disse...

Recomendo insanamente o novo amused to death do waters, está mt subversivo e psicadélico, como dantes, que estupido que fui por n ter dado a merda dos 50 euros só pa ir sozinhu ao rock in rio vê-lo...


JLP disse...

Bem, eu dificilmente chamaria a um álbum de 1992 "novo"... ;-)